website update

PYTHONA.CO.UK! Is Getting a Website Update to look and feel like the site, this is apart of the 2021 Pythona Studios Update, we have now added a Client page, we will also be putting this site/sites on


Pythona Studios’ changed hosting recently, with that some sites stopped working properly, so we had to move to, so all news related items will be going.

-Pythona Studios News Team



We are proud to announce our new discord server to start this server properly we are going to be doing a Giveaway from the 1st of January 2021 to 1 February 2021 this will give you a 30% discount from any product.

to join the server early click here, this will make you not be able to see certain channels

-Pythona Studios Team

WAKE UP – Update!

COVID-19 has affected many people us being included, this is the second time we have had to push back our short film, where our filming locations are set/cast is, it is currently in tier 4, meaning we cannot film the short, we hope to get it out by 2022, but we will see, we will keep you updated about this!

Two New Shows in the works!

Pythona Studios and On Demand Network is proud to announce two new Web shows: Cookie and Lilah’s Show Which will be airing on @PythonaStudios IGTV it will start airing on the 1st December 2020. every two weeks for 10 weeks, meaning 10 episodes per season.

The Second Web Show: Cookie and Lilah’s Aventures, which will be airing in 2022 with 10 episodes per season. which will be airing on both On Demand Network and Youtube! the youtube will be a few weeks behind so we recommend watching it on the On Demand Network